Sunday, October 3, 2010

DR ELLIE CANNON: Viagra fails to work for half of all's why

Viagra will work only if testosterone levels have been normalised

Doctors say Viagra helps only half of the men who are prescribed it. DR ELLIE CANNON explains why.
Q. Why does Viagra sometimes not work?
A. Low testosterone levels are a common cause of erectile dysfunction (ED). Testosterone is the male sex hormone and levels decline with age. Viagra will work only if testosterone levels have been normalised first. Low testosterone levels can be improved with pills, patches and gels.
Q. If I tell my doctor I have ED, what tests should they do?
A. Blood tests need to be done to rule out a testosterone problem, as well as diabetes and thyroid disease. Other blood tests for hormone, liver and kidney problems should be carried out and your BMI will be measured, as obesity is a cause of ED. Your relationship can also be a factor, as well as your mood. Depression is a significant cause of erectile problems.
Q. The problem began when I started my blood-pressure medication. Is that possible?
A. Yes  -  ED can be a side effect of many drugs including anti-depressants, diuretics and beta-blockers as well as those prescribed for high blood pressure.
Q. What are the alternatives?
A. Drugs called Levitra and Cialis act in a similar way. Injections and urethral creams can also be effective.

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