Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Did It Get So Bad?

Women are known to be blessed with so much aura and attraction. Women were known to be  very decent and hard to get. Men used to go through a lot of stress just to have a woman  and they enjoyed doing it because they felt it was worth it. But have you realised lately  that men no longer spend time trying to get women? My uncle recently told me how they  used to write so many love letters, receive insults, and sometimes get beaten just in  their struggle to get a woman. Women were seen as priceless jewels. Those were the days  when women had some element of shame in them.
But what is happening these days, women have suddenly become shameless and do I call it  abnormal? Looking at the dating arena, it is no longer what it used to be. Men no longer  bother so much about women because we have so much cheapened ourselves that they now see  us as the cheapest product in the market. I don’t know if you have heard this, but when  you ask a man why he is not ready to go through stress for a woman he claims to love, the  only response you get is this; there are so many girls out there looking for men. Girls,  this is where we have suddenly brought ourselves to. We have suddenly become cheaper than  chewing gum in the market.

Read more:http://pmnewsnigeria.com/2010/10/12/how-did-it-get-so-bad/

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